Live Satsang with Roger

May 25, 2024
Ask questions by joining Zoom meeting at How to use Zoom meetings LIVE SATSANG WITH ROGER - MAY AND JUNE Saturday, May 18th, 2024 Saturday, May 25th, 2024 Saturday, June 15th, 2024 9pm Western Australia time 9am US Eastern time (New York) 6am US Western time (California) 3pm Central Europe time (Brussels) 6.30pm India time During these times its a great opportunity to establish a regular online community where we can explore the teachings of non-doership and experience for ourselves how a deepening understanding can bring about a very practical change whereby suffering starts to get cut off and we find ourselves living life at peace regardless of our circumstances. Feel free to ask questions in the comment section and if the flow of the Satsang allows then some of the questions will be put to me by the moderator. It's a privilege to be able to spend this time with you all over the next weeks.‍ Peace for now Roger -‍ Found the teachings helpful? Please consider donating to help keep them going. Website: -
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