“Life is a dream in the
Mind of God”

Roger's  BLOG


June 7, 2020
February 23, 2020

If your spiritual practice is limited to certain time slots in the day, then I could agree that it might take lifetimes.

If on the other hand your practice is designed to merge with each moment of your everyday life, the notion of practice falls away, it becomes effortless and spontaneous and means you could be engaging in spiritual practice, without disturbing the practical aspects of your life, for as much as twenty four hours a day, everyday of the year.

The exponential effect is inevitable.

Notice that in each moment life arises spontaneously and effortlessly inside, and not outside, of what you are.

Peace for now

An invitation to return home

June 7, 2020
February 22, 2020

Your essence is not uncomfortableness with oneself, the other and with life, it's peace.

This is an invitation to return home whenever possible.

Peace for now

The Satguru - and the magic carpet ride

June 7, 2020
February 21, 2020

If the conceptual framework of this teaching of non-doership has begun to sink in and go to work on its own, as many of you know it can, then you'll also know how powerful and relieving the awakening of your own inner wisdom can be.

This inner wisdom is sometimes referred to in Sanskrit as the Satguru, your true Guru, the outer Guru is there primarily to give tips and hints to awaken and equip this internal movement.

As this happens a systematic transformation of how life is seen takes place bringing with it real experiential practical change, primarily a subtle witnessing of life and peace of mind in daily living.

Without an awakening of the Satguru this journey won't progress too far, in that case the seeker is still reliant on an external Source, and being this way reliant just won't cut it, ones own system needs to be awakened and equipped to be able to investigate; drop into Being; and to feel, all of which are seperate, distinct and essential movements.

There are just too many belief structures, habits and identifications, too many tweaks and changes that need to happen along the way for an external guide to be able to do the job for you. The real progress happens when contemplation starts happening automatically, insights happen, and the myriad of intricate subtleties of the inner psyche start being seen for oneself - it is the light of awareness that burns so much away..

When the Satguru awakens this journey of Self Discovery takes over and the desperate seeking falls away, replaced by a more gentle and effortless seeking that flows, I liken it to being swept up by a magic carpet and taken for a mystical ride, a journey of Self Discovery which is not orchestrated by you and yet it 'happens' precisely and without fail.

So the outer teacher and teachings are just there to support, to give the system the kickstart it needs and to feed the process as it develops, delivering new useful tips and hints for the next part of what's ahead.

I have the utmost respect and trust in the profound power of the conceptual framework which is shared, a framework heavily inspired by what was handed down by my teacher Ramesh Balsekar - I speak from personal experience. Once it truly takes hold and sinks in, as many of you know, it becomes one and the same as the Satguru.

I'm writing this because it's important to hear about the notion of the Satguru or what we can also call our Deep Intelligence, and how important it is. It guides the process in ways we just can't comprehend, it's undoing the knots, we're there for the ride, we are being lived.

We're all different

June 7, 2020
February 17, 2020

The guy next to me just ordered a chocolate brownie.

Then when he finished it, he ordered a second brownie.

Then after finishing that, he ordered steamed carrots and brown rice.

Peace for now

You don't surrender

June 7, 2020
February 8, 2020

'You' don't surrender.

You get surrendered.


June 7, 2020
February 7, 2020

If you take a close look at the dynamic which is at the root of all suffering (be it the old embedded suffering energies set in place long ago, or the fresh suffering triggered by current circumstances) you'll always find that it's based on an ingrained attitude of 'attachment to outcomes', or what we could call an attitude of 'involvement'.

This 'involvement' stems from an ingrained sense of self which is the imagination that it is an entity defined by circumstance. In other words, this belief based sense of self feels 'added to' by favorable circumstance and 'subtracted from' or 'attacked' by unfavorable circumstance.

This sense of self manifests as an uncomfortableness with oneself (because it's a forgetting of the true Self) and that's what the word suffering refers to.

With this sort of identity in place, the only possibility is for life to be seen through a lens of compulsive internal judgement towards life.

The judging deems the unfolding life experience as either valid or not valid, struggles against the flow of life and is involved and entangled. Anything less would be a form of self-disrespect.

This separating of life into 'valid' and 'invalid' is all happening because of this false sense of who we are and it leads to a veil of dis-ease in our life.

Good news is, that this deeply ingrained attitude of involvement can be reversed.

The reversal starts with momentary acknowledgement that this false sense of self may in fact be masking our true Self.

With this intellectual opening and with the aid of various pointers we may find ourselves dropping into Being (which is a freedom from the confines of the false sense of self) and getting glimpses of what lies within, an aspect of who we are which has been overlooked for a lifetime (understandably so, because the false sense of self develops at about age two or three and is a very effective veil).

This Being or Self I speak of, is outside of time and space, is already complete and whole prior to circumstance arising.

As an abidance as That happens there is a direct and instantaneous Self confirming sense that we ARE peace, that we are already Self content prior to, and all the way through, the fluctuations of life circumstance.

It then becomes evident that the attitude of involvement is in itself a re-enforcement of the false sense of self, and covering up a most precious gift.

With this recognition and with a developing capacity to rest in Being, the dissolving of the false identity has well and truly started.

Why not Abide in Being whenever remembrance happens.

Peace for now

The strange belief of personal doership

June 7, 2020
February 5, 2020

It's truly interesting that generally speaking, people don't recognize that even the smallest movement of thought, emotion, feeling or action that happens in any moment is the output of an amazingly complex and magnificently produced biological instrument, and not the result of an autonomous entity.

The sense that, and the interpretation that, there is an autonomous entity is in itself a recurring thought output of this amazing instrument.

This may sound like just another useless bit of trivia. However, the reality is that every bit of human suffering which arises is an extrapolation of this misguided interpretation.

It's for this reason that spiritual teachings have been telling us that suffering can end. Because suffering is in itself based on a false premise.

When life delivers the pertinent information and it's meet by a real earnestness in the seeker, then change happens quickly and it's not long before the suffering starts being seen from a different perspective, then start to diminish and eventually ends completely.

This fundamental error I mention above is often referred to as the deeply ingrained false belief of personal doership.

Peace for now
(it's your birth right)

Witnessing presence

June 7, 2020
February 1, 2020

A bright, silent, witnessing, as an alive backdrop, aware of the inner and outer happenings of daily life, is a fundamental potentiality for all of us.

This capacity however, lays dormant. It has atrophied because of the compulsive counter impulse of involvement and identification which has grown so strong.

It's not dead though, just dormant.

As we become reminded more often, that our essence is this witnessing presence, and that what we are is not limited to just form, thoughts and emotions, a motivated movement into that sparkling dimension of our Being begins.

As this light of awareness brightens and becomes one-pointed it can become so prevalent and pervading that a faint sense of it can even prevail while sleeping is happening.

It is the presence of this presence in daily life which is the ground of peace in daily living.

Why not Abide in I Am, whenever there is a remembrance.

Peace for now

You may already be That

June 7, 2020
January 28, 2020

If you find yourself regularly, just being with yourself, without feelings of discontent, even when circumstance is nothing particularly special, then why not register the wonder of that.

Peace for now

Please don't think about this

June 7, 2020
January 25, 2020


If you exist prior to thinking, who are you?